Thursday, January 23, 2025

Peaches Christ brings seldom seen ‘Phantom’ movie to the SF Stages

Christ has risen. Peaches, that is.

Peaches Christ returns to the stage and the limelight with a San Francisco screening of “Phantom of the Paradise,” one of Brian DePalma’s lesser-known but still iconic films.

As the world has changed, so has Christ and it’s great to have her back in person. Christ and her Midnight Mass podcast collaborator Michael Varrati promise to make Dec. 15 a night the Roxie and Christ fans won’t forget.

Not only is the seldom-seen rock opus going to play, but Christ is bringing along some other talent as she has in the past to make a unique entertainment experience. One highlight will be a live performance from Trixxie Carr, Bay Area singer/entertainer extraordinaire.

They’ll also be joined by the “Phantom” Mayor himself Ari Kahan, curator of The Swan Archives, which has been dedicated to the preservation of “Phantom” history since nearly the beginning. Kahan will share an incredible slide-show presentation as well as a glam rock lip-synch competition!

As for the movie itself, Christ discovered “it after beginning Midnight Mass (her former midnight movie summer screening series)  back in the late ’90s when people kept suggesting it to me. I rented it on VHS and loved it immediately, and it really solidified my supreme love of DePalma as a filmmaker. I’ve watched it many times over the years and it’s inspired me lots.”

Getting back live in the theatre will be a thrill for Christ who has spent the quarantine doing cameos and starting a podcast.

“Like 99% of the live performers that didn’t already have a podcast before the pandemic, I started one with my friend Varrati. I wanted to get back to the roots of Midnight Mass and really celebrate the cults that have grown around particular movies. It felt only natural that we should eventually have live podcast events that center around screenings of cult movies so this is our first screening presented by the Midnight Mass Podcast and it will NOT be at midnight, thank goddess.”

(Show starts at 7:30pm by the way.) 

Christ also starting a Patreon account where its subscribers will “get all sorts of extra content from Peaches Christ Productions and Midnight Mass including interview extras, videos, invites to live zoom parties with Michael and me and more.” 

If this wasn’t keeping Christ busy, Peaches is super excited to be back with the San Francisco Symphony on December 17 for Holiday Gaiety.

“This event couldn’t happen in 2020 so it feels great to return to the Davies Symphony Hall this year with an incredible line-up of performers.”

To keep up with Peaches and to get “Phantom” tickets, go to

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Kevin M. Thomas

Kevin M. Thomas, or @ReelKev, is an arts blogger and entertainment reporter. In addition to his own website, and ReelKev YouTube channel, Kevin used to be the LGBT arts writer for and contributes to as well as a semi-regular on San Francisco's cable TV show, "10 Percent."

Kevin M. Thomas has 157 posts and counting. See all posts by Kevin M. Thomas

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