Saturday, July 27, 2024
Health & HappinessNews

Philadelphia Cast Reunite to Fight AIDS in Powerful Short

“The Last Mile” short film recognizes World AIDS Day and celebrates the 25th anniversary of the iconic film “Philadelphia” as a way of continuing the fight against AIDS.

“The Last Mile” is inspired by the significant progress made in HIV / AIDS since the 1993 release of “Philadelphia.” Tom Hanks, Mary Steenburgen, Denzel Washington and writer, Ron Nyswaner, express Director Jonathan Demme’s extraordinary vision and discuss changes in perception around HIV / AIDS that “Philadelphia” created.

This special featurette examines how “Philadelphia” significantly impacted the narrative around HIV / AIDS well beyond LGBTQ communities and permeated mainstream America. The story is then weaved together as we are brought to present day to witness the incredible journey of a heroic mother in Africa who collects and delivers life-saving medicine to her community via an initiative called Project Last Mile.

Project Last Mile is a partnership between The Coca-Cola Company, the Global Fund, USAID and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that brings life-saving medicines and supplies to hard-to-reach communities across Africa.

“The Last Mile” drives home the message that the end of HIV / AIDS is well within our grasp, but only with continued support. Which is why now is the time to reinforce the need for funds and continued awareness.

To find out how you can help (RED) in the fight against HIV / AIDS, visit

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