Thursday, February 6, 2025

Podcasts We Love! Dyking Out

We are loving so many LGBTQ+ podcasts right now, so each week we are going to share with you a new one we have discovered. To kick us off we want to share with you Dyking Out- hosted by Carolyn Bergier and Sarah York. It’s all about lesbian/queer life, news, and pop culture as told by a couple of dykes.

Each week, Carolyn and Sarah invite a special guest (comedians, musicians, academics, scorned ex-lovers) to dyke out with them about a topic that’s relevant to the LGBTQ world. Basically, it’s just another way to advance the gay agenda.

I was lucky to grab a few minutes with them both and ask a few questions. Here’s what they said:

Richard: What made you start the podcast?

Carolyn & Sarah: We both listened to podcasts regularly but didn’t feel like any of them were that relatable or reflective of our experiences as queer women. Plus, we know the community is very hungry for queer content, so we wanted to make something informative, funny, and unapologetically gay.

R: What podcasts do you like to listen to?

C: I bounce around a lot, but right now I’m most consistently listening to The Jackie and Laurie show, which is basically two standup comedians talking inside baseball about being professional comics.

S: I’m obsessed with The Read, hosted by Crissle West and Kid Fury. The structure of their podcast is literally perfect and always ends on a high note with their signature “read” in which they go absolutely off about a particular topic or something that’s bothering them that week. They offer a unique perspective as unapologetically queer black millennials that I think is important in the LGBTQ discourse. My other weekly favorite is Keep It, hosted by Ira Madison III, Kara Brown, and Louis Vritel. This one is mostly pop culture news but it’s also infused with a good amount of political discussion and is highly topical. They often have guests on their show ranging from filmmakers to playwrights to actors and so on.

Carolyn & Sarah

R: Who is your favorite guest so far?

S: This question makes me nervous! Obviously, I achieved full self-actualization sitting in the same room as Janeane Garofalo and I will literally never stop talking about it as long as I live. I’ll be honest–I often forget precisely what we talked about once we finish recording, but I recall laughing very hard with Vivianne Njoku, Taylor Ortega, and Robby Hoffman. Robby’s tangent about swimwear is something I think about often.

C: Rosie O’Donnell is going to be our guest at our live recording on June 23, and even though it hasn’t happened yet, she’s my favorite. I’ll also shout out to past guests Garrard Conley, author of Boy Erased, because we were able to have a lot of laughs for an episode about conversion therapy and Garrard is a GEM of a human. And also Jess Henderson because she picked the topic “plants” and blew our minds with making it relevant to the queer community.

R: Who do you wish you could invite on the show (living or dead) and why!

C: Hillary Clinton so that I could low key flirt with her and try to suss out how much of a Wellesley girl she still is if you know what I mean. I hope my wife doesn’t read this.

S: She is very dead but I recently fell into a Wikipedia wormhole about Marion “Joe” Carstairs–heiress to part of the Standard Oil fortune, married a man for access to her trust fund, promptly annulled the marriage and moved to the Bahamas where she lived out her days throwing lavish parties and dating famous actresses. Iconic.

R: What’s your favorite cocktail? 

S: Glad you asked! I bartend to pay the bills and I can tell you my TWO favorites are an Old Fashioned done the proper way (no muddled fruit!), and a Paper Plane which is equal parts Aperol, Amaro Nonino, Rye, and fresh lemon juice. Shaken, double strained, no garnish.

C: Used to be a Tom Collins but I recently had a passion fruit margarita on the rocks, and I think about it daily.

Thanks so much for talking with me! I can’t wait to listen to you more! In fact folks, stop reading this and go and listen to Dyking Out right now… all their episodes are right here:

Carolyn & Sarah



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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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