Monday, February 10, 2025

Psychics: What do they know?

Psychic medium ‘Sapphire’ has worked with the police on murder cases and has helped hundreds of people with closure in their most distressing times.

Anytime the subject of psychics or mediums come up there is always a split crowd: those who adamantly believe, and those who do not. If I had a dime for every time I heard: “No, she told me things that nobody could possibly have known” and then of course the retort: “Yeah, yeah, she probably read your Facebook page before you arrived”. Well, let us just say, I would be too busy on my yacht with a full crew of hotties to be writing this article!

I think there is credence in both perspectives. There are many out there masquerading as visionaries, who hold the keys to unlock our successes in love, career, and finances. However, there are also, I would argue the others. The genuine people who somewhat inexplicably have ‘the gift’. I caught up with one such lady in Newry, Northern Ireland, Hazel Mc Guinness-Mc Wall, who works under the name of Sapphire, a name she chose “as Mammy always had lots of lovely jewelry.”

A successful businesswoman outside of the spiritual community, her credibility is an instant first impression. There are no jazz hands, or probative questions, in fact quite the opposite. Immediately Hazel instructed me “not to tell her anything”. I should say at this point that my reading was on the phone, a medium if you will excuse the pun she prefers as she, “doesn’t want to see your face, or body language when she is reading.” I cannot tell you how I grateful I was to not have to be on screen for another ‘zoom meeting’.

I will not go into the details of what she told me — as much like the relationship between therapist and client, what is said between spiritualist and client is sacred and for their ears only. I will, however, tell you that I was uber-impressed and leave it at that. (Whilst also choosing the color scheme for the impending wedding of the year between myself and Jake Gyllenhaal).

After our reading we had a chat. I was instantly warmed by Hazel’s manner; it really was like chatting with an old friend. She exuded that well-known Irish charm, a certain amount of fortitude instilled in all Ulster folk, with a friendly singing accent, in each sentence. As I led the conversation with my questions she generously responded, the both of us wandering off on tangents. I could have remained on the phone all evening but deadlines looming I summoned the discipline to hang up and share them with you.

I was surprised to learn that Hazel was only 7 years old when she first discovered her talent. She remembers the experience vividly of looking to the top of the stairs and seeing a man looking down to her. “He was an older gentleman, not frightening” and “he gave her a warm smile.” There was no big event just a nice encounter. Following her experience, she told her mother (also a psychic medium) and she recalls that she wasn’t told she was being silly, rather, her mother listened and allowed her to feel all was ok without influencing either way.

Some years later, at the age of 14 Hazel was to have another experience. This was outside of her home and like the first, not a frightening, or big event. As a natural sceptic herself, she flew to England to be tested to ensure as she said, “that she was not away with the fairies.” (We have all had to check that once, or twice ourselves). The advice came back you are a perfectly sane and a very talented individual. This is where here spiritual journey begun. Hazel returned and ‘sat in circle’ and attended ‘awareness sessions’, the first in her class to progress to the platform of spiritualist church before a two-year training period was completed, Hazel had completed it in 9 months! A somewhat, poignant period of time giving her what was to become a rebirth and a life dedicated to helping others.

This new life did not come without its sacrifices and having been bullied and ostracized throughout her life by people Hazel keeps her social circle small.

“I can walk into a bar, or party and get chatted up and immediately I will be getting visions of that person’s future partner and so I know they aren’t the one for me,” she giggled.

Hazel soon found herself in a position she had never expected to encounter. She gave a reading to a lady at her home before jetting off to Turkey for some much-needed rest in 2010. This meeting was to lead to her becoming involved in a high-profile murder case. “I told her [the client] that she would receive a map in an envelope through her door and that it would give the closure she seeks,” Hazel explained. Within weeks Hazel received a call to inform her that she was correct, and she was to attend the family home of the deceased to talk with the family and the police. Hazel led the police to the location where the body was found and informed that another two would be found within weeks, having been moved first, from where they currently lay. This too was proven to be true. This has been well documented in Irish press. This has led to Hazel continuing to assist the police with their enquiries on a range of cases, from missing persons, to attacks and murder.

I challenged Hazel on what she would say to those who consider what she does as a dark magic or evil and she responded, “Don’t be so ridiculous, What I have is a natural ability, a gift that I was born with … I do what I do to help people, I have given closure and peace of mind to people and that is all I want to do. Don’t judge me until you have tried me,” she said adamantly, with a hint of humor.

If you are interested in developing your own abilities, Hazel advises that you should contact your local spiritualist church and start by meditating, “Just start off with ten-minute sessions and build it up, but obviously you will need to find people to practice with, and the spiritualist church is a good place to go.” Hazel plans to continue her work throughout Ireland and the rest of Europe, she also hopes to visit spiritualist churches in the US as she “has always loved visiting America.”

If you would like to get in touch with Hazel drop her an email to, or via her Facebook page here.

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Anthony Miller

Anthony Miller a well known media commentator in the UK he often appears on BBC TV and radio. Having worked with Richard Jones as a Civil Partnership expert appearing on many tv channels around the world, he is excited to be writing as a columnist for Q40 and BWM. INSTA: @antmiller101 TWITTER: @antmiller101 WWW.ANTHONYMILLER.CO.UK

Anthony Miller has 29 posts and counting. See all posts by Anthony Miller

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