Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Queer Asian singer-songwriter releases track for Valentine’s Day

Bronx, NY-based Queer Asian singer songwriter I.Den.t.T (they/them) is offering folks a unique love song this Valentine’s Day entitled “Out on the Floor.”  Like many of their songs, this love song incorporates various aspects of their lived queer experiences.  

As a young queerling in the 90s, I.Den.t.T earned rent money as a performer at Jimmy Dee Music Productions which meant that they worked 3-4 weddings a weekend during peak season. 

One of the most memorable parts of these lavish cishet weddings for them was the traditional first dance as a couple.  “The colored lights and romantic ballads coupled with a fog machine created a surreal magical scene. The fog clung close to the ground making the couple look like they were dancing on a cloud,” I.Den.t.T. recalls.  They continue to share that the couple would always be surrounded by their friends and family cheering them on.

As a 17-year-old watching this scene unfold week after week,  I.Den.t.T would well up with tears and feel an ache in their heart wishing to be loved by someone as well as feel the support of a community. This seemed so out of reach for them back then and marriage equality was a couple of decades away from being a reality in the U.S.

So, one night, after putting on a spectacular smile and performance at another cishet wedding, they put out into the universe a dream of being loved, being married, and being supported a family of choice/community. Having very little knowledge of the music industry, but a large collection of ballads, they wrote “Out on the Floor” as a promise for a better future filled with love and community. 

Three decades later, on February 20, 2023, I.Den.t.T will share this hope and promise with the release of “Out on the Floor” on all major streaming platforms.  They teamed up with music teacher and singer-songwriter Mason Rose to draw that song out of their head onto the piano and then worked with the talented Evan Zwisler to produce this queer love story. It is meant to serve as a reminder that self-love and discovery can lead us to find communities that celebrate and love us even when it seems impossible.

In the 90’s finding themself seemed like a journey too long to take, finding a partner to love and be loved by seemed unattainable, and finding a community of love seemed unimaginable.  Today, I.Den.t.T hopes that more people will find ways to cultivate love this Valentine’s Day for themselves and others by listening to this song. 

May we all be loved and be able to show our love “Out on the Floor” for all to see.

For more information about I.Den.t.T, please visit their website, follow them on Instagram or listen to them on Spotify and YouTube

If you would like to vote for their songs to be nominated at LDM Radio please find them under the Jazz and Pop categories.

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