Queer Forty editor-in-chief moderates panel for Lesbian Visibility Day
What the L is a new online panel that celebrates lesbian identity in a time of change.
On April 26 at 7 pm ET, to mark Lesbian Visibility Day, NCLR, the National LGBTQ Task Force, and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) will co-host a panel, “What the L? Lesbians, Feminism and Where We Fit in the Queer Universe in 2021.”
On this year’s Lesbian Visibility Day, join a diverse panel of queer women to talk about topics that range from the paradox of lesbian visibility vs. lesbian erasure to gender-critical and anti-trans sentiment in the lesbian community to the role feminism is playing in the larger queer movement.
Moderator: Merryn Johns, longtime editor of Curve Magazine, now Editor in Chief at Queerforty.com, was pleased to be invited to chair the panel discussion.

Urvashi Vaid, The Vaid Group President
Alise Maxie, HRC Youth Ambassador
Charlotte Clymer, Catholics for Choice Director of Communications & Strategy
With a special introductory message from: Imani Rupert-Gordon, NCLR Executive Director
Ashawnda Fleming, National LGBTQ Task Force Development Director
Ellen Kahn, HRCSenior Director, Programs and Partnerships
Co-Produced by: NCLR, Human Rights Campaign, and the National LGBTQ Task Force
April 26 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT: What the L? Lesbians, Feminism and Where We Fit in the Queer Universe in 2021.
Is the Lesbian Visibility Day panel going to be streaming?
Yes it is livestreaming at 7pmEST/4pm PT