Saturday, July 27, 2024
CharityHolidaysLGBTQ+ Rights

Queermark’s Family of Choice cards benefit homeless LGBTQ+ youth

For many, the winter holidays represent a time for family and comfort. However, for many LGBTQ+ people, the holidays are anything but.

​This is why Queermark Cards is launching their inaugural holiday project where everyone can purchase beautifully designed holiday cards focused on celebrating their “family of choice” while also supporting homeless LGBTQ+ youth.

Donations from this project will cover the cost of the cards and 50% of the proceeds will go to support The Ali Forney Center in NYC, which assists 2000 youth a year with a continuum of services that include over 70,000 meals, health care, and housing.

​Let this holiday season be the reason you show support and nurturance to your “family of choice” and honor those who have been left out in the cold.

This project is on Kickstarter until November 19th, and can be found here.

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