Sunday, March 30, 2025
Food & Drink

Raise a glass to Valentine’s Day!

If you are lucky enough to have a Valentine for Valentine’s Day this year, I’m sure you want to celebrate. Like all of us, you have been through a lot the last few years, and if you are thinking of celebrating then we want to help.

There are lots of opportunities to go out to eat, but some of us are still hesitant… or just prefer to stay home. And that’s where grabbing a good bottle of wine comes in!

One of my favorite wine brands is Copper Cane Wine and Provisions, as they have a selection that is crafted to offer a touch of luxury for everyday indulgence. Here’s my Valentine’s Day wine selection, and make sure to visit their sites to find out more about all the various wines available under each brand!

Quilt – Cabernet Sauvignon

I love a good Cabernet Sauvignon! And if I am unsure what to pick for drinking at home or to take with me to a friends, I’ll grab this as it never does me wrong.

Belle Glos – Oeil de Perdrix Pinot Noir Blanc

This is a favorite rose of mine. I love that the grapes were specifically grown to produce a Rose wine. Chill this bottle well and enjoy!

BÖEN – Sonoma County, Monterey County, Santa Barbara County Chardonnay

I can remember when I worked in the City in London, back when we all had filofaxes. Remember them? And everyone was always drinking Chardonnay (even at Lunch), but I still love it. And when this Boen Chardonnay its perfectly chilled, it is heaven!

Steorra – Russian River Valley Brut Sparkling Wine

If you know me, you know my favorite for celebrations is a good bubbly! This is the sparkling wine we served at the Vacationer travel launch party. OH, it was good! If you are unsure what bubbly to try, I promise you this will work wonders. I think I might grab a bottle and take to my favorite BYOB Restaurant for Valentine’s Day. It’s the best of both worlds!

We are all likely to overindulge on special occasions, and that’s why we like to use Booze Bandage. It’s the perfect hangover cure! So, make sure you have some on hand ahead of all your special events and holidays.

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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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