Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Randy Rainbow… There’s Nothing Like A Wall!

The hilarious Randy Rainbow returns with his latest song parody skewering the Trump Wall dream to the tune of “There’s Nothing Like A Dame” from South Pacific. 

In true Randy Rainbow style, the satire and clever word play is strong in his musical takedown of the Trump Wall fantasy. 

Lines include: 

“He’s got money in the bank, he’s got spray tan on his face. He’s got baseless facts and figures, which he figures please his base” 

“He’s got gold at Mar-a-Lago and a ton of Adderall. What ain’t he got? A border wall!”  

“He gets badgered, he gets booed. He gets heckled coast to coast. He gets valentines from Putin and advice from Hitler’s ghost. He gets labeled irresponsible and inhuman and unfit.”

“There is nothing whatsoever like a totally manufactured national emergency to distract everyone from what is actually on his mind, which is, you guessed it: Robert Mueller!”

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