Wednesday, February 12, 2025
CommunityNew YorkNews

Reclaim Pride condemns attack after Queer Liberation March

The Reclaim Pride Coalition (RPC) condemns the vicious attack on revelers in Washington Square Park after the end of this year’s Queer Liberation March.

Once again, as they did after last year’s March, the NYPD and their Strategic Response Group created an unsafe environment for participants enjoying Pride Sunday after an extraordinarily successful event in which upwards of 50,000 LGBTQIA2S+ New Yorkers and visitors marched for queer liberation. 

Queer Liberation March for Black Lives and Against Police Brutality | Photo by Leandro Justen

RPC is holding a press conference on Tuesday, June 29 at 2:30pm EDT to address the NYPD’s outrageous behavior and their attempt to escalate violence which was only thwarted by the de-escalation tactics of RPC’s trained, volunteer, civilian community marshals. 

Link to RPC livestream of the event

Reclaim Pride Coalition (RPC) is a New York City-based group of LGBTQIA2S+ activists in alliance with dozens of grassroots community groups, nationally and internationally. RPC organizes the Queer Liberation March. In June 2019, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, RPC mobilized more than 45,000 people to recreate the original 1970 Christopher Street Liberation Day March route uptown from Stonewall to Central Park. In 2020, under the darkness of the global pandemic, RPC held the Queer Liberation March For Black Lives and Against Police Brutality. The QLM is the annual people’s protest march without corporate funding; corporate floats; politicians’ grandstanding; or police control or involvement.

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