Friday, July 26, 2024

Revry team to be honored with WeHo Rainbow Key Award

Since 1993, the City of West Hollywood has presented Rainbow Key Awards to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to the LGBTQ+ community.

This year, the founding team of Revry, will be recognized for their amazing work for the LGBTQ+ community. Damian PelliccioneLaShawn McGheeAlia Daniels, and Chris Rodriguez are equal co-founders of the only LGBTQ-first streaming platform. 

Since its inception, more than 155 Rainbow Key Awards have been presented. Previous honorees include activists, artists, civic leaders, educators, and many more. Contributions worthy of the Rainbow Key Award come in many forms, such as community or humanitarian action, the arts, sports, or medicine that benefits the global gay and lesbian community.

The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 29, at 6:00 p.m. at the West Hollywood City Council Chambers. The event is free to attend for all and those interested can RSVP here.

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