Monday, March 31, 2025

Robin meets… The boys from Glitterbomb!

A new groundbreaking weekly talk show called Glitterbomb is premiering this Fall on LATV Network, the original national, bicultural television network. Glitterbomb will be making history as the first Latinx LGBT-centric show on nationwide television. 

“Glitterbomb” is an explosive pop-culture talk show hosted by an entirely gay, Latino, Hollywood-insider panel featuring “Entertainment Weekly” senior editor Patrick Gomez, iHeartRadio personality Alexander Rodriguez, and actor Enrique Sapene.

Produced at LATV’s state-of-the-art HD studios in Los Angeles, “Glitterbomb” is an English-language show that features heated discussions about the latest in pop culture news and trends; provides an inside look at the latest celebrity hot spots and events; and welcomes some of the biggest names in entertainment.

Robin had an opportunity to sit down with Patrick, Enrique and, from our sister magazine, Bear World Magazine’s very own Alexander Rodriguez, to talk more about the show. Check out his interview:

Hi boys, why don’t we start with introductions, give our readers a short intro to who you all are.

Patrick: Hey! I grew up in Houston, Texas, and moved to Los Angeles in 2004 to go to the University of Southern California. I have been out since I moved to college at 18 and got married to a wonderful man named Matt in March after 5 years of dating. We live in West Hollywood with our terrier mix rescue, Jolene.

Enrique: I am originally from Caracas Venezuela and started acting at an early age on television. I have worked as an actor, host and producer in both the general and Hispanic market. Some of my television and film projects have sold all over the world. I currently live in Los Angeles with my husband Daniel. We have been married for 4 years and together for 8.

Alexander: I’m Alexander, a blouse – a feminine top with a weekly entertainment radio show syndicated nationally on a number of platforms, including iHeartRadio and of course, Bear World Magazine!

How did you each get involved with the show?

P: I have been a guest co-host on Alexander’s radio show for years and first met Enrique when we guest co-hosted together couple of years ago. When Enrique brought up the idea of doing a show, he asked him who else he thought would be a good fit and Alexander thought of me. I instantly thought it would be a great idea and jumped at the opportunity to be a part of it at the ground floor.

E: I created the concept and brought it to Alexander. We both agreed Patrick would be the perfect third co-host, so we met with him and he loved the idea. We all walked into LATV and pitched and after a long process of development it is finally happening.

A: I blackmailed Enrique with photos from his quinceañera when I heard about the project until I got the audition. The rest is history.

Enrique (l) and Alexander (r)

History is being made as the first Latinx LGBT-centric show on nationwide television, how does it feel to be part of that?

P: Getting our show off the ground would be exciting under any circumstances, but the fact that we are getting to be a part of something so — and I don’t want to sound grandiose but — important, is really special. I grew up with so few Latino role models in American pop culture, let alone LGBTQ Latino role models. And not that anyone should be looking to me as a role model, but I’m just glad we are visible for any little LGBTQ latinx kids out there who might feel alone.

E: It is super exciting. I can’t wait to entertain audiences and have conversations that are way overdue particularly in the world we are living today.

A: It’s kind of surreal.  All we are hearing in today’s political climate is minority groups being pushed back and laws being reversed that were meant to protect.  The fact that we are forging ahead with a national platform to a conservative minority group to show that we are as fabulous as anyone else is dizzying.

Shouldn’t this have happened years ago?

P: I don’t think it’s controversial to say that Catholicism is still very much a part of Latinx culture, and the Catholic religion has a rocky past when it comes to LGBTQ people. But we have seen such strides in equality and progress in both the Vatican and in Latinx countries.

E: I think that our timing is perfect. Particularly in a time where we need our voices from our communities both Latinx and LGBTQ to be heard loud.

Why do you think it hasn’t happened already?

P: This show most definitely should have existed years ago, but I think we are living in a time when it will be embraced more than it ever would have been in the past.

E: And also, because the world was waiting for Alexander, Patrick and me to get it together!

A: We have been caught up with over the top LGBT programming – drag queens, go-go boys and sex scenes – not that there’s anything wrong with that as it is a part of our culture, but that also scares away sponsors and mass audience attention.  This show is LGBTQ presented but will promote inclusivity in our guests and topics.

Why is this show important now?

P: I think, in this current time in our country, it’s so important that minorities of all kinds speak out and be heard. We cannot let “alternative facts” and actual “fake news” go unanswered. Our show is not going to be a hyperpolitical show, but we are gay, and we are Latino, so we are making a statement by just being visible — and I’m sad that’s the case, but I’m glad we live in a country where we still have the freedom to be ourselves… at least for now.

E: It is very important because of the lack of representation of the Latinx LGBTQ community. I think ignorance creates fear of the unknown and the more people get to learn about us and they can see we are people just like anybody else, living our lives, they will understand us better and have an open mind and heart.

A: Latinx youth have access to much more information via social media, the web, etc than prior generations.  Being out in a Latin culture can be difficult due to religious and family traditions and beliefs.  Things are changing and the Latinx LGBT community is starting to come together to be heard.  This is a perfect time to unite our community and show the world at large that though we may dress better, dance better and have better hair – we are just as part of the neighborhood as anyone else in the US.

Do you all have clearly defined ‘roles’ on the show?

P: By no means have we sat down and said “You’re the Blanche. You’re the Rose.” But I think everyone will quickly pick up on the fact that we’re three very different people who have very different points of view and personalities. I would never say I’m the quietest one in the room, but Alexander and Enrique give me a run for my money. They may be the only two people in the world who make me feel reserved… and we totally know who the Blanche is, right?

E: We have a great chemistry, we bump heads occasionally but who doesn’t? I like that, otherwise I think it would be really boring to watch.

A: It’s so funny that we are so different, which adds dynamic to the show.  I’m the sassy, eye roller, Enrique is the Diva and Patrick is Switzerland – calming us down and stopping a piñata filled brawl.

What other ways is the show breaking stereotypes?

P: Yes, we’re gay and yes, we’re Latinos and yes, we’re men, but we’re not a show that’s all about rainbows and dance remixes. I’m not saying we don’t love rainbows and dance remixes, but we’re making a show that we hope people of any gender, race, and sexual orientation will enjoy. And we’re also breaking stereotypes of what a “talk show” is. There will be elements of daytime shows like The View, late-night shows like Watch What Happens Live!, entertainment shows like Entertainment Tonight, and even game shows and reality show. Calling Glitterbomb a talk show really doesn’t do it justice. We are hoping to defy the labels, defy the genres and defy expectations.

E: I just hope it starts conversations about everything, and that people tune in and find their new GBF’s (gay best friends!)

A: The show is breaking down stereotypes in our own LGBT community.  We are everyday gay men, Enrique and Patrick are married, I’m from the OC but not a rich kid, gay but not a gym bunny, Latino but prefers mild salsa, part of the bear community but not at a bear pool party every weekend.  We are everyman, we just watch Bravo TV more.

Enrique, you’re from the telenovela and Latin reality TV world, what are the main differences you’ve found from switching over into US mainstream programming?

E: I think when it comes to LGBTQ themes they are pretty much in the same space and they are just beginning to start conversations. We have to end stereotypes because we come in all colors, faiths and shapes. Just like when you say Latin, people tend to relate to the mariachi band and Mexican food they do the same when it comes to LGBTQ subjects and they just think drag queens and go-go boys and that is not what it’s all about.

How do you think that LGBT presence is changing in Latin entertainment?

E: They are finally making an effort to break stereotypes. The gay character was always a flamboyant character that was the hair dresses and now they are beginning to portray gay characters a little closer to reality. But this is very very new.

Patrick, you’re the Senior Editor of Entertainment Weekly, we LOVE this month’s Pride issue, what are your main stages of getting an issue together?

P: I spent 7 years working at EW’s sister magazine People and had been a fan of our Pride issue before I joined the staff here in January. Like I said before, I think it’s so necessary and important that minority groups have a voice. And we continue to learn and grow as a staff each year we put out an LGBTQ issue. We continue to strive to be even more inclusive and shine a light on all facets of the LGBTQ+ community.

As far as putting the issue together, the entire staff got together a month or so before our deadline and pitched stories pegged to upcoming projects from LGBTQ talent. One thing we really tried to focus on this year was highlighting projects that weren’t just about LGBTQ people but being created by LGBTQ people. That was really important to us, highlighting members of the community telling stories about the community.

There is chronic underrepresentation of Latinos in commercial Hollywood films, why do you think this is and what needs to be done?

P: I think a lot of Hollywood execs assume that between the apparent language barrier and the fact that there are so many Spanish-language TV stations and films, that the Latinx demographic isn’t looking to Hollywood for more content, but that just isn’t true. I didn’t grow up speaking Spanish. I grew up watching the English-language stations and going to see the Hollywood blockbusters and I felt woefully underrepresented. And an increasing number of Latinx Americans are growing up less attached to the Spanish language and Spanish-only forms of entertainment. That’s what I love about LATV, they are really reaching out and giving young English-speaking Latinx people entertainment that’s tailored for them.

E: I think all you need is a good story where the characters happen to be Latinos. Look at One Day at a Time on Netflix or Vida on Starz and you will find well rounded Latino characters that are interesting and with lots of depth.

A: We need to continue to have conversations about diversity, we need Latino filmmakers to continue to make quality content and we need agents to start sending us out.  We don’t necessarily need to be cast everywhere if we aren’t the best actors for the job, but we at least need to get the audition!  We also need Hollywood know that we don’t always need to play a drug dealer or a maid.  I can’t even clean my own apartment!

What’s the one thing you’re each looking forward to about the show?

P: We have some incredible guests that we’ve lined up for our first season. We can’t get into the details just yet, but I’m so excited to get to have some incredible actors, singers and all-around great personalities come through the door.

E: I want to have fun. I think that if we are having fun the audience will as well.

A: The outfits!  I’m looking forward to working with the team at LATV.  Our director/producer Natalia Herrera and the crew are amazing, they actively learn about our community to make sure the voice we are presenting tells our story and at the same time upholds the brand LATV has established. I’m also looking forward to working with these two locas… every day is an adventure with them.

Behind the scenes with Alexander

What can we expect from the premiere episode of Glitterbomb?

P: We are hitting the ground running. We start each show off by Dropping the Bomb, where the three of us will discuss a hot-button issue in pop culture. We may all look the same on paper, but we definitely have very different points of view about a lot of things. Picture it as a brunch debate after bottomless mimosas — we hold nothing back. We’ll also have some celebrity guests and interviews — and hopefully a musical performance — as well as some fun… and maybe even Alexander in a costume…

E: I’ll tell you what you can expect from every episode and that is that there will not be one dull moment. We are packed with fun segments and interesting conversations and some huge stars having fun with us.

What are all your hopes for the future of the show?

P: I hope Glitterbomb is an incredible success for LATV and that we are provided the opportunity to share Glitterbomb with the world online as well. The three of us really look at Glitterbomb as a pivotal moment in Latinx LGBTQ representation and we want to not only ride that wave ourselves but bring along as many others as we can.

E: I’m hoping that it creates opportunities for new platforms that are willing to share stories about our communities and break stigmas and stereotypes.

A: I want to see the show grow to more households, more syndicates in other countries as well as tour the States talking to members from the LGBTQ community, hearing what they want to see on TV.  This show will give us the platform to work on other projects that we have been thinking about.  Personally, I want to see the radio show grow even more, want to produce theatre pieces and continue performing my cabaret – Judy and Britney in one concert, yes please! 

Watch Glitterbomb Thursdays 7pm PST/10pm EST at on LATV. Click here to find your local affiliate.

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