Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rowe Labor Day Retreat

Now in it’s 34th year , the Rowe Labor Day Retreat (August 30 – September 2nd) is one of the  longest standing gay, bisexual, and questioning men’s gatherings  in the United States.

For new participants,  Rowe is a safe place  to explore coming out, to spread your wings, and to make real friends.  For those returning,  Rowe offers a real connection with men who value spirituality and personal maturity.

This nourishing experience offers a bridge to a more connected view of the gay community and the world. See and feel beauty in yourself and in other men. Expect the unexpected!

Rowe is a place of transformation, providing emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual experiences. You will feel  welcomed and whole; you will laugh and you may shed some tears of release.

Workshops led by experienced teachers will explore  relationships,  bodywork,  art,  dating,  theater,  singing,  meditation,  spirituality,  movement, and much more.

There will be gift-giving, ritual, play, and delicious home-cooked meals.

The experienced team will create space for sharing,  without fear.  There will be time for quiet talks and walks, moments of joy, and surprises to delight your imagination. We see happiness and love in the faces of men, year after year, as life-long friendships are formed.

The Program includes:

  • Large and Small Group Activities
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Ritual
  • Art
  • Games
  • Hikes
  • Silliness
  • Deep Talks
  • Quiet Walks
  • Dancing
  • Laughter
  • Delicious meals

About the venue

Founded in 1924, Rowe Camp is an unusual and magical place cherished by the thousands of people who have come here for relaxation, education, community, spiritual nurturance, and love. There is a special spirit here of honesty, creativity, and respect that people rarely find in other parts of their lives.

Community is one source of Rowe’s magic: being an honored member of a real community is a profound and lasting experience. Multiple traditions built up over the years help us maintain their vibrant culture, but we’re not bound by the past. Their openness to new ideas keeps them alive and vital, and has kept Rowe growing and evolving for 80 years.

For more info and to sign up:

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