Monday, February 10, 2025

Roxane Gay launches audacious new project

The best-selling author and intellectual shares her thoughts and others’, directly to your inbox.

New York Times best-selling writer Roxane Gay has launched The Audacity, a newsletter featuring frequent new writing from Gay, essays from emerging writers, a book club spotlighting vital and underrepresented voices, and more.

Gay honed her ability to converge candid personal storytelling and piercing cultural insight in the early days of blog culture. She would continue to expand this approach as she became one of today’s most acclaimed writers (essays, fiction, memoir, and comics) and leading intersectional feminist voices. The Audacity is a return to her self-publishing origins and Gay describes the inspiration for the project:

“I’ve been thinking about blogs lately because I miss them. I am very attached to things that fade into obsolescence. For years, I wrote an obscure little blog few people read and that was mostly fine because I could share my thoughts with myself and three or four other people. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, I was also growing as a writer, thinking more about how to tell a story, how to get readers to care about the story.

“People curate what they put from their lives into the public sphere but a good writer makes what they curate one hell of a story. That’s what I hope to do with this newsletter—tell one hell of a story about the world we’re living in, the culture we consume, the things that bring me joy, the things that infuriate me, the things I think we should talk about.”

Roxane gay

Every two weeks, The Audacity will feature an essay from an emerging writer (someone with three or fewer publications) and share a brief interview with them. Complementing the newsletter is The Audacious Book Club, co-directed by Gay and Kaitlyn Adams, which will feature a new book, and an online discussion, every month. The Book Club will be open to paid subscribers, who will, when the authors are willing and able to join, have access to a live Zoom conversation between Gay and that writer.

About Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay’s writing appears in Best American Mystery Stories 2014Best American Short Stories 2012Best Sex Writing 2012A Public SpaceMcSweeney’sTin House, Oxford AmericanAmerican Short FictionVirginia Quarterly Review, and many others. She is a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times. She is the author of the books AyitiAn Untamed State, the New York Times bestselling Bad Feminist, the nationally bestselling Difficult Women and the New York Times bestselling Hunger. She is also the author of World of Wakanda for Marvel. She has several books forthcoming and is also at work on television and film projects.

About Substack

Substack makes it simple for writers, thinkers, and creatives of every background to go independent. On Substack, they can start publications and communities with free and paid material, host podcasts and discussion threads, and work on their own terms. When readers pay writers directly, writers can focus on doing the work they care about most. A few hundred paying subscribers can support a livelihood. A few thousand make it lucrative. Readers win, too. By opting into direct relationships with writers, they can be more selective with how they consume information, honing in on the ideas, people, and places they find most meaningful. Substack’s mission is to help writers and readers reclaim their minds.

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