Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sample Dutch and Belgian delights during Amsterdam Pride

Brand g Vacations, the number one operator of luxury all-LGBT+ cruises and land tours, is proud to announce its 2024 Dutch and Belgian Delights Cruise (August 5 -12, 2024) to celebrate Amsterdam Pride.

Amsterdam Pride is an international celebration – in one of the world’s most progressive cities – and attracts about 500,000 revelers each August. Amsterdam features the world’s only floating pride parade, set on the canals of Amsterdam.

Brand g offers a three-night pre-cruise package for Amsterdam Pride that enables you to celebrate like a VIP, and then step onto Brand g’s luxurious cruise for seven nights. Many LGBT+ revelers choose to add this incredible Pride festival on to an all-LGBT+ riverboat cruise. And the timing is perfect because Brand g Vacations’ 2024 Dutch & Belgian Delights Cruise begins just as Pride is ending.

The cruise travels roundtrip from Amsterdam and visits three countries – Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium – stopping in incredibly scenic cities like Antwerp, Ghent and Rotterdam, among others.

August in Amsterdam is gorgeous – temperatures are typically in the 60’s and 70’s – and this is the perfect time to visit this most unique city and its unforgettable festival and parade. LGBT+ folk from across Europe come to celebrate, and the party isn’t limited to gay people; straight couples, grandmothers, and virtually everyone from the local community celebrates together in a style that creates an extraordinary sense of unity.

And the parade, along more than four miles of Amsterdam’s famous canals is a sight to behold. Between the floats (for which the term is especially appropriate, here) gliding down the waters and the revelers partying in boats tied to the sides of the canals, it’s absolutely can’t-miss people watching. The festive spirit extends across the city, with rainbow banners and LGBT signage (and discounts) everywhere.

“When it comes to Pride festivities, no city does it quite like Amsterdam, with their floating Pride Parade and their safe and accepting environment,” said Brand g founders Brian Van Wey and Jeff Gundvaldson. “Adding this to a Brand g cruise is the perfect way to get the most out of your vacation, while letting your rainbow flag fly.”

Brand g’s 2024 Dutch & Belgian Delights River Cruise has limited availability remaining. For more information on the 2024 Brand g Dutch and Belgian Delights Cruise (with Amsterdam Pride pre-cruise option) taking place August 5 – August 12, 2024, or to see other Brand g offerings, please visit: and

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