Friday, March 28, 2025

San Francisco’s LGBT Film Festival’s Shorts Filled With Diversity

Frameline43 is here and not all of its LGBT glory is found in movies – they have a lot of great web series options as well.

Frameline, the longest running LGBT film festival, has some wonderful episodic shows that are mixed with many short films in some great programs. From Fun in Boys Shorts to Bi Candy to World Affairs, there’s something for everybody. Here’s a few highlights.

“Michael and Michael Are Gay!” is a hoot. Spoiler alert, they’re gay. Frameline will be screening the very funny second episode about dinner with straight people. The cute nerdy Michaels are riotous as they review gay sex antics over asparagus soup.

“Interested In” is the definition of quirky as our lead character awkwardly starts to explore sex and dating. Creator/star Michael Witkes is quite the likeable character who sometimes surprises us with his sexual bravery and offbeat comments.

The T

“The T” is a wonderful dramedy that manages to offer fully developed characters in the episodes short time span. But it only took me moments to relate and feel for trans woman Jo (Bea Cordelia) and her best friend Carter (Daniel Kyri). And I want to see more and continue our “relationship.”

“A Luv Tale” is a slick and posh story of cool and professional women. Good, but it doesn’t have a hook to keep me with it. Oh, wait…stick with it. At the end of the first episode, we get the wtf moment that will draw us in for a whole season or more.

A Luv Tale

“The Filth” quilts together all of the colors of the rainbow and manages to be able to attract everyone of the LGBT acronym. It’s a fun and interesting story that follows a group of young friends – gay, lesbian and bi – as they come out and embrace life.

The Frameline Festival runs through June 30. To get information on web series and movies, go to

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Kevin M. Thomas

Kevin M. Thomas, or @ReelKev, is an arts blogger and entertainment reporter. In addition to his own website, and ReelKev YouTube channel, Kevin used to be the LGBT arts writer for and contributes to as well as a semi-regular on San Francisco's cable TV show, "10 Percent."

Kevin M. Thomas has 157 posts and counting. See all posts by Kevin M. Thomas

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