Saturday, February 22, 2025
DragSan Francisco

SF talent smackdown: Local acting titans come face to face

Hollywood divas get the Bay Area drag treatment in new show by SF Oasis.

What do you get when you mix “Basic Instinct” with “Fatal Attraction” and then add two of San Francisco’s most talented actors? 
The answer is easy, it’s “The Hand That Rocks The Crawford,” playing at SF Oasis July 22-Aug. 7, 2021.

SF Oasis has become known not only as a premiere nightclub, but also one that’s got great Off-Broadway level shows including many dragified classics.

From writer/actor Michael Phillis, who has become one of San Francisco’s biggest (and scene-stealing talents), this show spoofs all of those wonderful campy movie thrillers, likely making it an instant classic.

Phillis, who is still resting on the laurels of his documentary film “Baloney” about his male burlesque show, has some how found it in his schedule not only to write this comedy but to star in as well as a character named Michael Douglas. Guess his infamous character “Patty from HR” will be staying at home this time.

Phillis is matched by the uber-talented Matthew Martin who plays Joan Crawford in the show. Martin is more than a triple threat as he not only can eat the scenery as he deliberately overacts in some roles, but he also can find the nuances in a performance to make his delivery believable as well. Further, he sings and dances! For those who may not follow his career, he also is known to the Bay Area as Blanche from “The Golden Girls,” among other shows.

The match-up (or smackdown?) between the talents of Phillis and Martin isn’t enough though. The additional cast may try to steal some scenes, in particular Katya Smirnoff Skyy. Katya has long played Joan Crawford in shows to Martin’s Bette Davis. This time, Martin has the role – will there be a rivalry right on stage before our eyes?

Then add Sara Toby Moore who has the drollest delivery of any actor in the Bay Area and Steven LeMay who always is fearless in taking on his part, we have a show definitely worth checking out.

Get tickets and more information at

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Kevin M. Thomas

Kevin M. Thomas, or @ReelKev, is an arts blogger and entertainment reporter. In addition to his own website, and ReelKev YouTube channel, Kevin used to be the LGBT arts writer for and contributes to as well as a semi-regular on San Francisco's cable TV show, "10 Percent."

Kevin M. Thomas has 157 posts and counting. See all posts by Kevin M. Thomas

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