Saturday, January 18, 2025

Sheroes of the kitchen featured in new documentary series

Her Name Is Chef is a documentary film by Peter Ferriero that spotlights six bad-ass, inspiring, strong chefs who happen to be women.

Each share their triumphs in cutting through the clichés of the restaurant industry, and explore how they broke down the doors to ‘earn’ the title of Chef. Host Leia Gaccione sits down with Elizabeth Falkner, Fatima Ali, Hillary Sterling, Esther Choi, Juliet Masters, and Caroline Schiff. They open up their hearts and minds to the world, leaving no stone unturned.

Featuring one of our favorite out female foodies, Elizabeth Falkner, a world-renowned chef who has been a driving force in some of the country’s top kitchens since 1990. She has worked through the changing dynamic of the restaurant world, experienced that “bad behavior” that is so prevalent in kitchens, and watched her own career path take some wild turns. All the while, her support of fellow chefs has only grown, as evidenced in her involvement in numerous charitable events.

In her episode, Elizabeth explores how her own identity (as a chef, and as an artist) and how it has evolved over time. But every one of these women has forged a path that didn’t really exist before. And after watching you’ll understand why it’s wrong to say “female chef.” After all, her name is simply: Chef. Find out more here.

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