Friday, July 26, 2024

Short film challenge for gay men offers $10,000 in cash prizes

Grab your device and make a movie! Queer shorts contest “The Happy Endings Short Film Challenge” has been launched by Dekkoo, the streaming service aimed at gay men. Committed to giving back and inspiring creativity in queer creators, Dekkoo is launching their second annual one-week short film challenge boasting $10,000 in prizes.

After a year and a half of Covid-19 pandemic hardship, couldn’t we all use a happy ending? A small token of joy to celebrate life, happiness and the promise of what is to come? Gay men are invited to shoot and submit a 10-minute maximum length short film telling a story from a queer perspective that offers a happy ending.

Shoot and submit a 10-minute maximum length short film telling a queer story that features a happy ending. What does a happy ending look like to you? We want to see!

All submission are free, details here.

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