Saturday, July 27, 2024
LGBTQ+ RightsLocalNew York

Sign The Center’s petition for LGBTQ rights in New York

If you’re a New Yorker and you’re starting to think you’ll never see full equality for LGBTQ+ people in this lifetime, it’s time to do something about it!

As part of its RiseOut advocacy initiative, The Center has collaborated with community leaders to create a plan to advance LGBTQ+ affirming legislation and policies in New York this year. You can help us fight discrimination against queer and trans people, support elders, and preserve health care access.

Sign The Center’s petition to pass laws that will protect and affirm LGBTQ+ and all marginalized New Yorkers, addressing the urgent issues that our communities face. Help fight discrimination against queer and trans people, support elders, and preserve health care access in these areas.

  • The Gender Identity Respect, Dignity, and Safety Act
  • TGNCNB Anti-Discrimination Requirements in Schools
  • The LGBT Long-Term Care Facility Bill of Rights
  • Repeal Pharmacy Carve-out

What will signing a petition do? It deepens our advocacy for the 2023 LGBTQ+ rights agenda and sends a message to state legislators, expressing the needs of our communities.

Sign the petition today, and add your voice to ours in support of LGBTQ+ affirming laws and policies.

Learn more about 40 years of The Center by watching the short film below:

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