Thursday, February 13, 2025

Sing Out Louise’s parody of Madonna’s “Vogue” aims to encourage voting

Not only is ‘VOTE’ Sing Out, Louise’s first video project and Get Out the Vote message (as well as a heartfelt homage to Madonna), it’s also a testament to the importance of creativity, community, and what great things can happen when we work together. 

This year, more than ever, the Midterms matter. Every vote counts and you have a right and a duty to make sure you’re heard.

Sing Out Louise’s first ever video is a parody of the iconic Madonna song ‘Vogue’. The black and white stylings pay homage to Madonna’s also legendary video.

Watch and share to encourage everyone to VOTE!

Who are Sing Out Louise?

In October 2017, some members of Gays Against Guns began writing Christmas carols about gun violence for an action called GAG Nog. After Trump’s shock election, the group quickly turned their brains to music that captured the mood, and survived that very bleak December belting “Donny the Con Man” at Christmas markets around New York.

After the holidays, GAG Nog morphed into GAG Reflex, a full-fledged Resistance Queertet. GAG joined the Women’s March the day after the inauguration, leading hundreds of folks in “Battle Him for the Republic,” “He’s a Nasty Neonazi,” and other patriotic songs. Members of Rise and Resist joined GAG for a series of marches and actions throughout the spring and summer, and soon they had amassed what they called their hymnal: An always-evolving collection of irreverent, in-your-face songs “in the key of F you.”

By the fall of 2017, the group decided to spin off from GAG. The Reflex became Sing Out, Louise! The name references a line from a Broadway show, meaning: Get out there—make your voice heard!

In the words of the group themselves “We aren’t necessarily pretty, and we’re never polite. We don’t care if you can’t sing a note—we want you to take the hymnal and sing along. We are reclaiming our time and having a blast doing it.”

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