Sunday, February 23, 2025

Special film preview and discussion: Casa Susanna

A new screening experience brought to you by PBS’ American Experience allows you to see Casa Susanna on June 14, a film about trans women in the 1950s, before it premieres nationwide on PBS channels on June 27.

In the 1950s and ’60s, an underground network of transgender women and cross-dressing men found refuge at a modest house in the Catskills region of New York. Known as Casa Susanna, the house provided a safe place to express their true selves and live for a few days as they had always dreamed—dressed as and living as women without fear of being incarcerated or institutionalized for their self-expression. Told through the memories of those who visited the house, the film provides a moving look back at a secret world where the persecuted and frightened found freedom, acceptance and, often, the courage to live out of the shadows.

The event will take place at the Harmony Gold Theater, Los Angeles, and feature an extended preview of the film followed by a panel discussion with American Experience’s executive producer, Cameo George and special guests from the film.

Tickets are free, but you must sign up in advance. Seating is general admission, and is offered on a first come, first serve basis. Registration does not guarantee you a seat.

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