Monday, February 10, 2025
Food & DrinkNews

Stoli Vodka Introduces “Spirit of Stonewall” Limited Edition Bottle

Stoli Vodka, the original premium vodka with uncompromising quality since 1938, announced today the launch of the Stoli “Spirit of Stonewall” limited edition bottle, which will be behind the bar and at participating retail outlets beginning later this month.

Designed to honor the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City, a seminal moment in the modern LGBTQ rights movement, the Stoli Spirit of Stonewall bottle continues the Stoli brand’s long-standing support of the LGBTQ community.

The limited edition will help raise funds for the Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative in support of its mission to eliminate the social intolerances that profoundly impact the lives of LGBTQ citizens in America and abroad, through awareness campaigns, educational programming, fundraising and public dialogue.

The bottle was designed by Lisa Marie Thalhammer, an award-winning visual artist and member of the LGBTQ community, who is best known for her iconic 13-color rainbow “LOVE” mural located on Blagden Alley in Washington, D.C.’s Shaw neighborhood.

For the Spirit of Stonewall bottle, Thalhammer used a mural theme and incorporated emblematic LGBTQ imagery, including five hands and three protest signs at the corner of Gay and Christopher Streets outside of the Stonewall Inn, a high heel to represent the transgender activists who initiated the 1969 uprising, a sign spelling out “LIBERATION” as a reference to the Gay Liberation Front that includes three gender symbols, as well as a peace sign and protest fist holding a rainbow energy ribbon that swirls between fingers and brings the community together.

“We are thrilled that Stoli is continuing its long-standing tradition of supporting the LGBTQ community by working with the Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative,” said Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative President, CEO & Co-Founder, Stacy Lentz.

“These much-needed funds will help continue the Stonewall legacy especially in places where equality has been slow to arrive, and full legal protections are not in place.”

“Pride is all about sticking up for something you believe in – just as the brave patrons of the Stonewall Inn did 50 years ago – that all good people deserve to love freely and stand proudly in the bright spotlight of the beauty of their diversity without the expectation that one needs to hide in the shadows, or in the closet,” said Stoli LGBTQ National Brand Manager and Ambassador, Patrik Gallineaux.

The Stoli Spirit of Stonewall Limited Edition bottle is 80 proof, or 40% alcohol by volume (ABV), and a suggested retail price of $22.99 for 1L.

To learn how you can join in supporting global equality and acceptance, visit or follow Stoli on Instagram @Stoli, on Facebook @Stoli and on Twitter @Stoli.

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