Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Stonewall National Museum holds firm in Florida tide of anti-LGBTQ hate

TransMedia Group to represent Stonewall National Museum, world’s largest LBGTQ+ library, and one of the nation’s most significant archives, at a critical time with growing attacks on minority communities and elected officials.

Fort Lauderdale’s Stonewall National Museum, Archives and Library, a small yet invaluable 501c3, has retained TransMedia Group public relations firm.

“Florida is Ground Zero in the battle against anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and misinformation,” said TransMedia Group President Adrienne Mazzone, “making it a fitting backdrop for Stonewall’s 50th Anniversary Gala on Feb 25 (at the Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort.)”

“We want to open Stonewall to the world, showcasing all of the historic treasures and stories inside this jam-packed museum overflowing with historical records and memorabilia for all to see and learn about the history of the LGBTQ+ community.”

TransMedia will simultaneously work with Stonewall’s staff and board to find a larger space for this historical time capsule, while finding donors to acquire and relocate SNMA.  

“Our PR campaign is designed to help relocate Stonewall’s vast archives, one of the most comprehensive in the LGBTQ+ community in America.”

TransMedia plans to have media tours, events and educational opportunities. “Our mission is to ultimately drive traffic to SNMA to learn, inspire and share pride,” said Mazzone. 

Adrienne Mazzone

Stonewall National Museum and Archives (SNMA) is one of the largest gay archives and libraries in the USA, with a 12-month schedule of exhibitions on LGBTQ themes and public programs, including author presentations, films, panel discussions, and collaborative events at its museum and library in South Florida and in cities across the United States.

“Passionate in our commitment to educate and promote understanding, while wanting to bring our message to a broader audience, we felt TransMedia Group would be a natural fit,” said Robert Kesten, Executive Director at Stonewall National Museum and Archives (SNMA).

“I’m honored to work with Robert and everyone involved in generating timely donations and awareness to such a worthy cause,” added Mazzone.

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