Sunday, January 26, 2025

Suit yourself with the Butch Clothing Company

The Butch Clothing Company, founded by British lesbian Shaz Riley, is looking to take on the US market!

UK-based business, The Butch Clothing Company, is keen to increase their reach in the US market. To achieve this they are looking to drive forward their innovative Skype consultations for their bespoke tailoring to all American gay women. 

Shaz Riley, BCC founder

The service means that gay women throughout the US can now have bespoke suits based on classic menswear styles and the latest masculine fashion trends, perfectly fitted to them.

Shaz Riley founded the BCC back in 2009 and has offered bespoke garments to this niche market since then. The company has tested its Skype service with many US based clients and achieved great success.

“We have an effective working and model,” says Riley. “We feel that so many women in the American market are missing the opportunities we offer and would like to develop greater awareness of our bespoke services.”

The process is simple: You get a friend or partner to measure you and under Riley’s watchful eye, while careful measurements are recorded. Riley shows all detailing elements that can be chosen for the suit by showing actual garments via Skype and of course shows fabric selections based on analysis of each individual clients wants and needs.

At the end of this straight forward process you receive your beautifully tailored suits and shirts without leaving your own home or office.

So what might you order for your big boardroom meeting or wedding day? We asked Riley what was in vogue currently.


So, it would seem that formal tailoring from morning suits to smart three-pieces with cravats or bow ties, cufflinks and formal shirts still work beautifully with the wedding market place in 2022.

However, projecting forward through this year and into 2023 we are looking at a more casual relaxed approach to our suiting needs for work and play. Clearly a reactionary fashion industry kickback for pandemic times.

It’s almost, in part, as if the ‘80s may return, we are being encouraged to think big, looking at oversized suits and the return of shoulder pads in stark contrast to the recent trend of the tight, well-fitted, slim cut suits. 

It’s not easy to tailor this look so it’s all about carefully using bespoke techniques to proportion this effect on each individual.

Also let’s talk color and the challenge of using it! Bright is in, dull and dark is reject. 

The formal effect of charcoal and black has been replaced by light fun colors with equally brave linings. Maybe the likes of orange, green or pink aren’t for you but think either bold and bright or the contrast of Miami Vice-style pastels with yet again a nod to the ’80s era.

Let’s not forget prints and patterns and intentional mismatch of garments. Wear the tartans, the tweeds—I personally love a velvet. Don’t forget the linens in a wondrous array of color. Choose a jacket fabric to compliment if not match your waistcoat (vest) and trousers (pants). Think bold think brave, think fun.

It’s all about light, loose living, whilst remaining professional or maybe even semi professional!

Visit the Butch Clothing Company here.

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