Sunday, February 16, 2025

Summer, Style & Design

Wow! It is already August, as usual the summer has flown by.  It is that time of summer when we say things like, “the summer doldrums.” and “It’s too hot to do that.”  We know that all too well in Southern California where the temperatures can spend days above the 100 and even 110 degree mark.  It’s hard to be fabulous when it just too darn hot to make the effort.

This time of year our clients, no matter where they live seem to be heading out of town.  It is what I like to call the Great Get-A-Way Season.  But, for many of us, like me, we are home and working.  I feel those late summer blues as much as anyone else. But, luckily, I have some really great ideas for jazzing up your home.  Why not take a little bit of the time you have trying to beat the heat outside by have some fun with your home on the inside…where it’s cool.

By this time of the season, things have a tendency to look as dry and unappealing as the dried up lawn and flowers outside.  Freshening up your interior is a lot easier and you don’t have to do it in the hot sun!  I have a list that I pull out whenever I am feeling like my house is losing its style edge. I know you can find one or two items on my list that will be an easy update for your home as well.

Remove the feather fills from your throw pillows and put in a gentle cycle wash with a bit of gentle soap. The cleaning and the gentle dryer cycle will do wonders to enliven the down blend fill and freshen their scent from all those sweaty heads and feet.

I open the windows every chance I get to let in some fresh air. This also means letting in lots of dust. This is a great time to actually move your furniture around and vacuum under and behind those pieces.  It never ceases to amaze me what a truly clean house can do to your sense of well-being.

This is also a great time to clean and touchup your baseboards, trim and doors from scuffs and marks. My secret weapon for this is the Magic Eraser.  This handy little sponge can clean almost any mark on your trim, doors and even walls, without removing the paint.  I swear by them and keep them in quantities in my home.

Speaking of marks on your trim, this one doesn’t have to do with the house so much as all your white sneakers. The Magic Eraser makes them look like new!  A wiping with the sponge and a fresh pair of laces and your favorite kicks are ready to take you into Labor Day!

If you can’t see those flowerpots you planted in spring from your windows or doors, it is probably time to trim the dead and possibly fill in the blank spots. It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s inexpensive. If you don’t want to add more flowers, try some filling around the edges with some green or Spanish moss. It fills in the blanks and makes a lush presentation from inside and out.

If you’re hibernating inside to escape the heat, this is a perfect time to add that bit of color you have been contemplating. You do not have to turn this into a full paint job.  Pick one room, pick one wall and pick one color…it’s that simple.  It is the kind of project you can do in one day and it will change your perspective and might even change your life!  It will make your room look like you gave it a full makeover, for the price of a gallon of paint.

Ok, this one is not the most glamorous but, if you have an open kitchen like I do, you know that sometimes the sink can get a little nasty. That is the last thing I want hitting my nostrils when I’m relaxing in front of the TV for those long afternoons of movie watching.  There are several different ways of cleaning and deodorizing your garbage disposal.  The easiest one of all is to use lemons.  Cut a lemon in half, squeeze the juice in the garbage disposal. I let the juice sit for several minutes at least, then I cut up the remaining lemon into smaller pieces (you don’t want to clog your disposal) and put it all down there, then turn the disposal on while running hot water.  It’s quick, it’s easy and the fresh scent is almost as good a citrus diffuser.

The idea here is to make meaningful changes or additions that wont make you work up a sweat or break the bank.  It is the kind of work you can while binge watching your favorite cable channels.  Sometimes the best way to update your home is simply to do the kind of maintenance that we may not love but makes a big impact in the way we live.

Clean that room, freshen up those pots, and add a bit of paint. As I promised at the start, this won’t break your back or break your bank.  This is about making the choices that enhance your life and beautify your home.  This is all about you!

Live Well!

Dann Foley

DesignerDann on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Pinterest



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