Monday, February 24, 2025

Take a first look at powerful new lesbian drama, Silver Haze

The new queer drama Silver Haze is set to have its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival taking place from February 16 to 26 and we have your first look here.

Silver Haze, written and directed by Sacha Polak is about 23-year-old Franky, a nurse who lives with her large family in an East London borough. Obsessed with a thirst for revenge and a need to assign guilt for a traumatic event that happened 15 years before during which she was terribly burned; she is unable to build any meaningful relationships until she falls in love with one of her patients — Florence. They escape to the coast where Florence lives with her more open-minded patchwork family. There, Franky finds the emotional shelter to deal with the grudges of the past.

The film stars Vicky Knight, a lesbian woman and actual burn survivor as Franky, and Esmé Creed-Miles as Florence. The movie is already generating buzz and is also a contender for the prestigious Teddy Award for feature film.

The Teddy Award has been presented for 37 years as part of the Berlin International Film Festival. It is the oldest and most significant queer film award in the world, benefiting films and individuals that communicate issues of social diversity and contribute to more tolerance, acceptance, solidarity and equality in society. Former winners include Miguel’s War, Hard Paint and Nasty Baby. This year Silver Haze is up against such titles as Tár, Hello Darkness, Green Night and Femme for the honor of Best Feature. The award ceremony will be held on February 24.

Silver Haze is the fourth movie from filmmaker Sacha Polak whose previous work includes the titles Dirty God (2019), Zurich (2015), and Hemel (2012).

Take a look at the trailer for Silver Haze below:

For more information and to check out the full lineup at the Berlin International Film Festival click here.

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