Monday, February 3, 2025

Take a look at ‘In the Heights’ ahead of its premiere

The long-awaited movie musical is in theaters June 10, and on HBO Max for 31 days after its theatrical release.

Lights up on Washington Heights, in Northern Manhattan — a vibrant enclave of diaspora from the Dominican Republic and elsewhere in the Caribbean. It’s a New York neighborhood with its own vibe and culture, where the streets are made of music and little dreams become big. 

The scent of a cafecito caliente hangs in the air just outside of the181st Street subway stop, where a kaleidoscope of dreams rallies this vibrant and tight-knit community around the beating heart of the local bodega, owned by the magnetic but shy Usnavi, who saves every penny from his daily grind as he dreams of a better life and, of course, winning the love of someone special.

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