Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Health & Happiness

Take A Moment – with Colin T. McLetchie

Colin McLetchie is here with some calm words and a beautiful video for us in these weird and stressful times.

“As an executive, leadership and life/career coach and speaker, I’m always encouraging my clients to develop a pause practice — a way to take just a few minutes each day to stop, to notice, to create space for reflection and more powerful choices that serve us better.

“In the ‘new normal for now’ that we find ourselves in, I felt called to deepen the invitation and to spread it more widely as a small way to help the world and us heal and thrive.

“Words are powerful, language is a big part of how we create our reality, and so my videos are meant to help us all pause, listen, breathe, be, and choose. So many people are offering half hour or hour long meditations, yoga, mindfulness sessions, etc. so my 2-3 minute videos are easily accessible and can serve to support each other and help us lean into this confusing and overwhelming time. Whether it’s a poem or short inspirational story, my hope is that the power of the spoken word will resonate within us for some healing and growth. So come, take a moment, and see what unfolds.”

For more of Colin’s wonderful “Take a Moment” videos, head to his YouTube channel here

Colin is the president of five ways forward – a coaching, consulting, and wellness company focused on helping individuals, managers, executives, teams, and organizations move forward to achieve their success – at work and in life.


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