Monday, February 3, 2025

Take a sneak peek at Noémie Merlant’s latest film

The Portrait Of A Lady On Fire star is back with another period drama. And Curiosa also has queer themes.

Paris 1895. Pierre Louÿs is a Parisian dandy and poet on the verge of fame. Pierre and his friend Henri De Régnier are both madly in love with Marie de Heredia (Noemie Merlant), the cheeky daughter of their mentor. Despite her feelings for Pierre, Marie eventually marries Henri who is more established. Badly hurt, Pierre leaves for Algeria where he meets Zohra, a bewitching local girl with whom he shares a tumultuous relationship and a passion for erotic photography.

One year later, Marie is less than enchanted with her husband and Pierre comes back to Paris with Zohra. As soon as Marie hears the news, she rushes to see Pierre and confesses that she kept herself for him. They quickly start an affair and a game of cat and mouse between many players begins, full of desire, jealousy and photography. Marie wants to transgress society’s norms and moral codes to establish who she is. But how far will she go?

Curiosa premieres via Virtual Cinema, VOD & Digital on August 13.

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