Friday, July 26, 2024

Take a sneak peek at sexy new LGBTQ film, A Date

What’s it like being a Black gay escort? new film A Date is inspired by true events, and the indie LGBTQ+ drama is set to be released on September 12, on Video on Demand.

A Date won the prestigious Global Film Festival LA 2022 Winner Festival Award for Best LGBTQ+ Film.

The film plunges into the life of Tracy, a young black man pushed by desperation into the world of escorting. His life spirals into a perilous journey as the money pours, but things soon go wrong.

Director Harry L. Michaels Jr., who grew up in South Central Los Angeles, brings authenticity and depth to the film, making it a must-watch for fans of dramatic cinema. As one of the first LGBTQ+ Black directors and writers from South Central, Michaels is making a name for himself as an independent filmmaker. He is using his platform to share stories that offer new perspectives and challenge societal norms.

A Date is rooted in real-life experiences in the LGBTQ+ community and offers an insightful and dangerous look into the rarely-explored world of Black gay male escorts. The true events that inspire the film add a layer of realism that is sure to engage audiences.

A Date will be released on VOD on September 12. Find out more about the film here.

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