Friday, February 7, 2025
Affordable LuxuryHealth & Happiness

Taking care of your hair – with Neeldavid Katwal!

It’s not often we have the opportunity to get some great advice from an international hair stylist… so when NeelDavid Katwal offered some tips for caring for hair during the lockdown, we couldn’t say no!

So if you have long hair and are looking to keep it healthy check out these tips:

“Being at home in lockdown or in quarantine is really tough for someone that is used to heading to the barbers or the salon. So I have created some great tips to help you keep your hair as it should be until you can get to see your stylist.”

NeelDavid Katwal

1. Wash and shampoo your hair when you return from an essential trip. As import as it is to wash your hands, it’s just as important to wash your hair!

Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

2. If you run out of your favorite spa shampoo or hair mask, try using coconut oil to keep your hair healthy, smooth and to avoid dryness.

Photo by karl muscat on Unsplash

3. If your hair is dyed, avoid hot water or hot hair styling tools to help keep the color longer.

Photo by Jereghi Ana on Unsplash

4. For long hair, make sure to shampoo three times a week and condition three times a week too.

Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash

5. Being at home and perhaps not heading out to work, you might find you develop dandruff. If this occurs try and wash your hair every two days, and my favorite home remedy is to use apple cider vinegar, it also helps prevent frizziness too.

Photo by Karina Carvalho on Unsplash

6. Don’t over brush your hair, and especially avoid brushing your hair when it’s wet.  

Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

Next time, I will explain how to look after beards! Stay safe and see you in the salon after lockdown.

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Neeldavid Katwal

Neeldavid Katwal is an internationally certified hairstylist and makeup artist. He has trained in Delhi, Thailand, the USA, Singapore, and with Toni and Guy in London. He has also trained with the Oscar Winning Makeup Artist Christine Blundel. Neeldavid Katwal is considered the first international hair stylist from Nepal.

Neeldavid Katwal has 1 posts and counting. See all posts by Neeldavid Katwal

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