Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Andy Warhol Diaries premieres on Netflix

The Andy Warhol Diaries, a six-part docuseries produced by Hollywood titan Ryan Murphy is now on Netflix.

Featuring an AI robot replicating the voice of the acclaimed artist Andy Warhol, and directed by Andrew Rossi, the series aims to introduce us to the person behind the public persona.

The source material for the series is the book of the same name which was dictated to and edited by Pat Hackett, a long-time friend and collaborator of Warhol’s. From November 24, 1976, to February 17, 1987, the two would have a phone call each day (excluding weekends) during which Warhol would recount the events of the day prior. One of the primary objectives of this project was to satisfy the IRS and take account of the artist’s spending. Consequently, a lot of the information was mundane but there was also a lot of incredible information chronicling the life and endeavors of one of the most celebrated innovators of 20th century. Hackett had 20,000 pages of the so-called Warhol Diaries when all was said and done. She edited it down to about 860 pages for publication after Warhol’s death.

Rossi used the text as the basis of his narrative and similar to the book, the series pays more attention to the thoughts and motivations behind major events in Warhol’s life as opposed to the events themselves. The series also features insight and commentary from celebrities like John Waters and Rob Lowe while also tapping into the expertise of major art world figures such as Larry Gagosian and Donna De Salvo.

Check out the trailer below.

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John Hernandez

John A. Hernandez is a staff writer for Queer Forty with a focus on entertainment. He is also a writer for Vacationer Magazine and a contributor to Bear World Magazine and Gayming Magazine. He has a special love for all things horror and Halloween. He currently resides with his husband in New York City.

John Hernandez has 135 posts and counting. See all posts by John Hernandez

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