Saturday, January 25, 2025

The ArtDesk 100 has been announced!

In honor of ArtDesk magazine’s tenth anniversary in 2023, the magazine published the ARTDESK 100 in its Winter 2023 issue.

“Everyone included in the ARTDESK 100 has clear, demonstrated bona fides to merit inclusion on our inaugural list,” said editor in chief Louisa McCune, co-founder of the magazine with publisher Christian Keesee and dance editor Larry Keigwin. “We started with about 180 high-quality candidates and then set the editorial parameter of age 45 and under. We especially wanted to shine a light on up-and-coming creative leaders who will define arts and culture in the coming decades.”

These early to mid-career voices in contemporary art, performance, theater, animal wellbeing, and social innovation are recognized for pushing new frontiers in creative work. The ARTDESK 100 features a range of talent, including dancers Kyle Abraham and Tiler Peck; visual artists Karyn Lyons and James Perkins; filmmakers Sterlin Harjo and Robert Eggers; director Camille A. Brown; playwright Annie Baker; conductor Thomas Guggeis; and physicist Steven Prohira. All 100 honorees are featured on the cover (see page 2).

Some of the queer luminaries included in the 100 are: choreographer Kyle Abraham, musician Arca, visual artist Buck Ellison, opera singer Michael Fabiano, visual artist Louis Fratino, dancer Jovani Furlan, visual artist Lauren Halsey, playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, choreographer Raja Feather Kelly, visual artist Karyn Lyons, visual artist Tiona Nekkia McClodden, musician Nico Muhly, journalist Rebecca Nagle, dancer Justin Peck, writer Maria Popova, curator Antwaun Sargent, actor/dancer Ryan Steele, and visual artist Oscar Yi Hou.

About ArtDesk

In October 2012, the idea for ArtDesk was outlined on a park bench in Marfa, Texas. The first issue was published a year later in October 2013. ArtDesk is a general-interest quarterly magazine for all ages with a focus on contemporary art, performance, and thought. Published and distributed for free by Kirkpatrick Foundation in Oklahoma City, ArtDesk is local, regional, and international in scope and reach. The magazine is also a support publication for Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center, Green Box Arts, Kirkpatrick Foundation, and related entities.

ArtDesk is mailed to subscribers in all fifty states and six foreign countries and is inserted in selected markets for New York Times subscribers and newspapers in Oklahoma and Colorado. Earlier this month, the magazine was featured in the 2022 ArtBasel Miami’s Magazine Collective. In September, the magazine won the 2022 Folio: Eddie Award and Ozzie Award for Best Full Issue (Nonprofit/Charity) and Best Design (Nonprofit/Charity).

The issue is now available at

To learn more about ArtDesk, please visit and across social media as @readartdesk.

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