Sunday, March 30, 2025

We’ve discovered the best gay cafe in the world, and it’s not where you think!

Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this cafe serves up hot food options that contend with the very best of Key West restaurants. It also offers a full bar, FREE happy hour, weekly dinner specials, and ZERO dress code! All this makes the Island House Cafe the BEST gay cafe in the world!

The Island House Cafe lies a the heart of the famous Island House Resort in Key West. Poolside in paradise, the cafe offers five star quality food in a relaxed environment. With food available 24 hours a day, it’s the ultimate in convenience and taste. The cafe offers a full bar with quality drinks and amazing cocktails. Sit back, give you tastebuds a thrill while you watch hot guys play in the pool!

Here’s a sample of what was on offer for the most important meal of the year — Thanksgiving!:

In addition to the award winning cafe, the Island House Resort offers gorgeous rooms, a stunning pool, a gym and a hot tub! Island House is gay owned and operated since 1976, and that helps to make sure that your needs are anticipated, not just met.

Check out this mouthwatering video and book your stay now!

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Queer Forty Staff

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