Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Book of Haunters VI, a Chilling Love Letter to the LGBTQ Haunt Industry

So many books/movies about haunted houses, haunts, and being scared. All fiction, of course – even though The Amityville Horror was advertised as a true story.

But there has never been a book about the haunters themselves – the dedicated actors who give it their all every Halloween season to make sure the paying customer is entertained while also being terrified. The actors who spend long, long nights making sure the customer leaves shaken, not stirred. The actors who have no voices by the end of the season. The ones who come up with characters that become a part of themselves.

The 100 page coffee table book The Book of Haunters V1, developed by the LGBTQ organization Haunters Against Hate, is a love letter to the haunt industry and the LGBTQ actors and staff who make it all possible. It is particularly inspired by the actors who love nothing more than making sure you have the best time at the haunt they work for.

Look through the pages and admire the creativity of these individuals. Read about the various reasons each of them got involved in the industry, and why they support Haunters Against Hate. With an introduction by Peaches Christ, this book is sure to fright as well as inform!

Haunters Against Hate was formed in response to the most unpleasant of circumstances, namely the Orlando Pulse killings and some extremely negative speech made by a haunt review team. Travis Boling of 7th Street Haunt (now American Horrorplex) in Louisville, Kentucky, took a stand and refused entry to reviewers, demanding his haunt be removed from their website.

This started a chain reaction that resulted in over 20 haunts endorsing an open letter, which was posted to Facebook. The letter stated to the reviewers that hate is unacceptable, and that they were not welcome at any of their venues.

All proceeds from The Book of Haunters VI go to various LGBTQ youth organizations, including Just Us at the Oasis Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

For more information Haunters Against Hate and Haunters VI, please visit

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