Sunday, February 23, 2025

‘The Plot Thickens’ – a TCM Podcast

Turner Classic Movies (TCM) has a new podcast series out called The Plot Thickens which is about the movies and the people who make them.

The first season is a seven-episode documentary about the life and work of Oscar-nominated director, writer, and actor Peter Bogdanovich titled “I’m Still Peter Bogdanovich.”  TCM Primetime Host Ben Mankiewicz will guide listeners through the remarkable story of the ultimate cinephile, who at 32, became Hollywood’s hottest director.

But Bogdanovich soon discovered the fragility of such success after three box-office flops and a horrible tragedy that plunged him into grief and financial struggles. Through it all, Bogdanovich’s love of movies sustained him. 

The Plot Thickens, includes archival interviews Bogdanovich did with Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks, and Orson Welles while he was learning his craft, as well as rare archival audio from the TCM vault. It also features exclusive interviews with producer Frank Marshall, actor Cybill Shepherd, and director Roger Corman about how Bogdanovich made his films and survived life’s ups and downs.

Peter Bogdanovich at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco – by Eliaws at English Wikipedia. CC

The first two episodes of “I’m Still Peter Bogdanovich” are released today (April 28), with subsequent episodes releasing weekly.

“Peter Bogdanovich is a living link to Hollywood’s golden age — the perfect conduit from the past to this modern era of movies,” said Ben Mankiewicz.

“Season one tells the entirety of Peter’s story. And it is a gripping story — told mostly by Peter himself, drawn from 15 hours of interviews together. It combines the best elements from one of the greatest eras of American movies — Peter’s era, 1967-1976. It is an intense drama replete with passion, art, love, lust, success, heartbreak, betrayal, raucous comedy, painful tragedy, and ultimately, a version of redemption, all of it set against the backdrop of the magic of making movies.”

Head here to listen to the trailer and subscribe on Apple Podcasts.

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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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