Sunday, January 26, 2025
EntertainmentMoviesSan Francisco

The San Francisco Transgender Film Festival lineup announced

The San Francisco Transgender Film Festival (SFTFF) will take place November 11-14 online.

The San Francisco Transgender Film Festival was founded in 1997 as North America’s first transgender film festival and is the world’s longest running transgender film festival. The festival showcases groundbreaking, provocative, outrageous, courageous, moving and innovative works that show the complexity of lives lived on the transgender spectrum.

This year’s festival has seven programs to choose from. All films screened during the festival are close captioned.

The San Francisco Transgender Film Festival screens films that promote the visibility of transgender and gender variant people and challenge the mainstream media’s negative stereotypes of our communities.

Additionally, the community offered by the festival provides opportunities for trans and gender variant media artists to connect through film and performance events, and engage audiences in cross-community dialogue.

Shawna Virago

The artistic director Shawna Virago is a celebrated transgender musician and activist. Virago has been the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival’s Artistic Director since 2003, selecting the films and videos, organizing fundraising, coordinating production staff and volunteers and overseeing publicity. Virago’s own original films have screened at festivals throughout the world including Frameline (San Francisco); OutFest (Los Angeles); New Fest (NYC); Netherlands Film Festival; London Transgender Film Festival; MIX Fest (NYC); Toronto Transgender Film Festival.

Full program and tickets ton the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival can be found here.

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