Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Health & HappinessParenting

Thinking of having a baby? Think about prenatal vitamins

According to The Williams Institute, 48% of LGBTQ women under the age of 50 are raising a child. If you’re a queer woman thinking of expanding your family, prenatal vitamins are something to consider along with other avenues of planning your parenthood journey. Joni Davis explains.

Prenatal vitamins have similar but different roles for men and women, and the biggest benefits begin well before a pregnancy.

Experts advise both partners to begin taking prenatal vitamins three to six months before conception to support their fertility. For women, that includes balancing hormones and promoting egg quality with a steady stream of specific nutrients. For a woman who becomes pregnant quickly, starting prenatal vitamins early also ensures she’s getting the necessary amounts of folate and choline to support neural tube development—before even realizing she’s expecting.

Unfortunately, prenatal vitamins vary in quality and you can’t assume you’re getting everything you need if you grab a random bottle off the shelf. Beli for Women is based in the latest scientific research for fertility, prenatal, and post-natal health and it’s one of only a few prenatals on the market meeting current recommendations for specific vitamins and minerals, including choline, folate, iodine, magnesium, and Vitamin D. In short, it’s exactly what women need in a prenatal vitamin.

In men, prenatal vitamins support sperm health throughout the maturation process. A nutrient shortage is the biggest contributor to sperm deficiencies during this timeframe, which really drives home the importance of a prenatal vitamin specifically designed for men. To some people, it’s still a novel concept, but the science absolutely supports it.

Many people aren’t aware that a man’s health before conception has a direct effect on the resulting pregnancy, the health of the baby, and even the health of the next generation. It’s no small thing! But again, ingredients are key. Beli Vitality for Men is formulated with nutrients designed to support all the parameters of sperm health.

Preconception health for both partners lays the groundwork for what’s to come, which is why couples hoping to conceive should embrace healthy habits, including consistent exercise, adequate sleep, stress mitigation, a mindful diet, and a high-quality prenatal vitamin to fill into any nutritional gaps.

About the Author

Fertility expert and CEO of Beli, Joni Davis is a momtrepreneur, and after a successful career at  Fortune 500 companies Joni offers commentary on business, fertility, and the impact of infertility. Joni has a personal mission to address the growing crisis of infertility and modernize the stagnant prenatal vitamin market

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