Thursday, March 13, 2025

Time travel to the original gayborhood with The Village, A Disco Daydream

Dixon Place, New York, presents an unforgettable journey through the vibrant streets of 1979 New York City in The Village – Nora’s hilarious, heartwarming tribute to youth, spirit, and disco dancing!

Set in​ 1979​ NYC, The Village​ ​bounces​​ ​around and break​s 4th walls, 5th dimensions and every theater rule in the book​. As a crazy collage of characters come by to drink, drug, dream, dish, and of course break out into disco dancing, ​the play​ centers​​ around Trade, a hustler living with ‘Old George’, who brings home his latest trick, ​an earnest NYU student.​ 

Filled with high jinx, low kinks, softcore porn​ and​ rock hard abs​, The Village offers a life-affirming lift, full of​ love, friendship, fantasy, fashion and fun​…​ a valentine to youth, age, spirit, ​NYC,​​ and Donna Summer!

Playwright Nora Burns, creator of the critically acclaimed David’s Friend, is a founding member of comedy groups Unitard and the Nellie Olesons. The Village is dedicated to all the indomitable spirits who went to that great disco in the sky before they got to finish to their story.

“[The Village] is a revelation, spectacular — rocked my world! …A stellar cast tearing up 1979 Greenwich Village leaves you all at once ecstatic & deeply moved – gogogo see it!” — Sandra Bernhard

Starring: ​Jack ​B​artholet, Chuck Blasius, Glace Chase, Ashley Chavonne, Antony Cherrie, Eileen Dover, Valton Jackson, ​Richard ​JMV, Antwon LeMonte

Choreography by Robin Carrigan; Sets by Steven Hammel; Costumes by Paul Alexander.

More information and tickets here.

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