Saturday, January 25, 2025

Top 5 Safest Global Urban Neighborhoods for LGBTQ Travelers

GeoSure has launched the first-ever neighborhood-level LGBTQ Safety ratings category on its award-winning smartphone app. LGBTQ travelers will — for the first time — have unlimited access to real-time safety ratings on more than 30,000 neighborhoods worldwide. Using this technology, GeoSure has also announced the ‘Top 5 Safest Global Urban Neighborhoods for LGBTQ Travelers.’

GeoSure is available on the App Store and Google Play. GeoSure’s LGBTQ Safety category rates the “likelihood of harm or discrimination against LGBTQ persons or groups and level of caution required at location.” 

GeoSure’s easy-to-use interface provides safety ratings ranging from 1-100 — the lower the score, the safer the neighborhood. Utilizing machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), sentiment analysis and predictive analytics, GeoSure compiles ratings based on analysis of thousands of sources daily to provide and continuously update its suite of comprehensive travel safety solutions. 

Top 5 Safest Global Urban Neighborhoods for LGBTQ Travelers:

1)    Amsterdam’s Centrum neighborhood (GeoSure Score: 17)

2)    The Castro District in San Francisco (GeoSure Score: 24)

3)    Berlin’s Schönebergneighborhood (GeoSure Score: 24)

4)    Barcelona’s Eixample neighborhood (GeoSure Score: 30)

5)    Tel Aviv’s City Center / Florentin neighborhood (GeoSure Score: 31)

“Three years ago, GeoSure was the first ever to develop a dedicated women’s travel safety measure scaled globally, and today we are pleased to unveil the first localized safety awareness solution specifically for traveling LGBTQ persons,” said Michael Becker, CEO of GeoSure. “Whether traveling for business, leisure or study abroad, our singular focus is providing the most rapid safety awareness, granular to the neighborhood level, to help people have the smoothest trip experience possible.” 

GeoSure’s unique traveler-centric safety solutions empower, engage and inform travelers, with a particular focus on traveling women and LGBTQ community members. GeoSure supports the global travel ecosystem by provisioning travelers with “ubiquitous” safety awareness, reinforces a positive safety feedback loop in tourism economies and helps organizations become leaders in Safety Stewardship, rapidly advancing GeoSure’s mission of “A Safer, More Predictable World.”

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