Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Trans music group Key Change Ensemble releases first video

New transgender music group releases video for Transgender Day of Visibility.

Transgender Talent has announced their new professional transgender music group: Key Change Ensemble with their first music video “This Little Light of Mine” premiering on Transgender Day of Visibility, March 31 on Revry, the largest global LGBTQ TV network.

Made up of transgender and non-binary musicians, Key Change Ensemble was created to provide the music, film and tv industries with a source for professional musicians. To showcase the combination of their musical abilities, over the next year, Key Change Ensemble is releasing a series of music videos to let you see and hear them!

Their first video is a cover of the old hymn This Little Light of Mine, featuring 15 of the ensemble. It begins by telling the story of being hidden away, then coming out into the open to share their light and love with the world, unashamed of who they are.

The idea for Key Change Ensemble came as the collaborative brainchild of two transgender musicians, Ann Thomas and Jessica Joyce.  Ann, founder of Transgender Talent and long time professional singer, first became noticed by Hollywood in her performance on Glee in the 197 member transgender choir.  Jessica has been an AFM member for more than 10 years as a musician, singing and playing live and recorded gigs all over Southern California. She’s performed live with “locals only” KROQ shows, The Voice, and The Late Late Show with James Corden, to name a few.

Key Change Ensemble is made up of vocalists and instrumentalists who can perform at a professional level.  If a live or taped project needs a readymade choir, Key Change Ensemble can fill that need.  Or, if a project needs a few or even just an individual as backup singers, to add to a choir, or as instrumentalists, Key Change Ensemble has members who can do that.

Some, in addition to their musical abilities, have training and/or experience in other areas of performance. This may include acting, dancing, stunts, and more. This includes some who have musical theater training and/or experience. Some belong to various unions including American Federation of Musicians and SAG-AFTRA. Others are non-union.  All have either live performance experience or studio experience.

Wath the music video “This Little Light of Mine” here:

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