Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Transhealth invites you to their holiday party featuring Mary Lambert

Transhealth an independent and comprehensive healthcare center that supports and empowers trans and gender-diverse individuals and families, is pleased to announce it first annual holiday party.

The event will take place at the Marigold Theater in Easthampton, Massachusetts with entry via donation.

As a trans-led organization rooted in Western Massachusetts, Transhealth is expanding the healthcare possibilities for our community. Through expert care, education, research, and advocacy, we work to secure a healthy, affirming future.

The first annual Transhealth Holigay Party Fundraiser at the Marigold Theater features queer singer-songwriter Mary Lambert and special guest DJ Both Hands.

Don your gay apparel (ugly holiday sweaters anyone?), experience an unforgettable night of music and dancing, and learn more about how you can support the mission of Transhealth.

When: Saturday, December 10 at 7pm
Where: The Marigold Theater
Tickets:  Available by donation between $0-$10,000

The event is fully accessible to wheelchair users.

The safety and wellbeing of our supporters is paramount. Masks are strongly recommended. Vaccinations are required. We are actively monitoring the incidence and prevalence of Covid-19 and may change precautions as necessary.

If you aren’t able to attend the event but would still like to support us, please visit the Transhealth giving page to make your contribution or donate to Transhealth here.

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