Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Two songs of inspiration for the holiday season

“Take a Breath” and “Sick to Work” by I.Den.t.T are songs that inspire queer joy.

With the holiday season upon us, the self-care tongue-in-cheek song “Take a Breath” by I.Den.t.T (they/them) reminds us that we might not be able to control what is happening all around us, or even in our own heads, but we can always take a breath, and then another.  This is simple, yet profound practice allows us to reclaim the present moment and let go of real and imagined burdens for a brief moment. And sometimes that moment leads to a mindful movement. 

Since the release of their debut song, I.Den.t.T has shared this message at various pride and queer-centric events including The Bronx Academy of Arts & Dance (BAAD), the  2nd Annual International Queer Buddhist Conference, and The LOFT LGBTQ Community Center’s CALM/Queer Zen, which is held weekly on Thursdays from 5:30 – 6:30 PM EST on zoom. 

The simplicity of self-care through breathwork is particularly important for the queer community. Research shows LGBTQIA+ folks experience more stress, and therefore stress related illnesses, due to non-affirming dominant cishet environments.  With anti-trans bills circulating in government, physical and psychological abuse, and continued erasure of LGBTQIA+ experiences, taking up space by feeling our bodies expand with each breath is affirming, a birthright, and a good reminder to ourselves that we do matter.  Furthermore, when we exhale, I.Den.t.T asks us to notice how our bodies relax.  In sum, they invite us to remember with each breath cycle that it is our right to take up space and to relax.

Maybe this is why “Take a Breath” charted at #1 at the end of November 11th on LDM Radio.  Perhaps their points permeated through all the streaming platforms to their fans, who vote for this song weekly.  Since “Take a Breath” took the #1 spot, LDM Radio has now included I.Den.t.T’s most recent release, “Sick to Work” as a contender in the Pop category. 

“Sick to Work” is a playful sexy tune aimed to highlight self-care in another way.  During a live performance with no.ah at The Makers’ Enemble in Brooklyn, I.Den.t.T revealed how they schedule “vaca-cinations” a couple times a year.  What are “vaca-cinations?”  Good question.  I.Den.t.T define it as the time they have to take off to recover from the side effects of receiving a vaccination. On stage, they continued by sharing that when they were younger, they never needed to call in sick for a vaccine shot.  They would call in sick to work for other reasons.  To find out why they would call in sick, listen to “Sick to Work” on your favorite streaming platform. 

If you would like to vote for “Sick to Work” under the Pop category and/or “Take a Breath”, under the Jazz category, please visit LDM Radio Vote, log in with your Google account, and vote as you please.  Remember you can vote weekly for your favorite independent artists. 

So, as much as we may try, we might not be able to control much of what is happening this holiday season, the side effects from vaccines or the weather, but we can take a breath, and then another, reminding ourselves that we have a right to take up space and to relax.


I.Den.t.T’s Instagram

I.Den.t.T’s Facebook

I.Den.t.T’s TikTok

I.Den.t.T’s Spotify

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