Sunday, October 27, 2024

Gigi Sohn poised for LGBTQ history with Biden nomination

Joe Biden has nominated Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communications Commission, putting her on-track to become the first out LGBTQ FCC commissioner in history, if confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Through its Presidential Appointments Initiative, LGBTQ Victory Institute advocated for Sohn’s nomination, including organizing more than 30 LGBTQ organizations to call for her nomination in a letter to the White House’s Presidential Personnel Office. Sohn is the latest high-level LGBTQ nominee in the Biden administration, which reports that 15 percent of its appointees identify as LGBTQ.

“Gigi is poised to make history as the first out LGBTQ commissioner at the FCC, but more important is that nobody is more qualified than her to tackle the breadth of issues the FCC faces in the near future,” said Ruben Gonzales, Executive Director of LGBTQ Victory Institute. “Not long ago, appointing an LGBTQ person to such a key position would be considered a political liability. Yet the Biden administration is building the most LGBTQ-inclusive administration ever and is proving they can do so while appointing the best possible people for each position.”

Sohn is currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy, is a Benton Senior Fellow & Public Advocate, and sits on the Board of Directors of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Locast. From 2013 to 2016, she was counselor to the former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and advised him on a wide range of internet, telecommunications and media issues.

Victory Institute’s Presidential Appointments Initiative works with the administration to recommend and advocate for qualified LGBTQ leaders ready to serve in the administration. Victory Institute aims to help the Biden administration become the most LGBTQ-inclusive in U.S. history. The Initiative – first launched by Victory Institute during President Bill Clinton’s administration – achieved unprecedented success under President Barack Obama, who appointed approximately 330 LGBTQ people, the most in history. Of those, 158 were assisted by the Presidential Appointments Initiative.

About LGBTQ Victory Institute

LGBTQ Victory Institute works to achieve and sustain global equality through leadership development, training, and convening to increase the number, expand the diversity, and ensure the success of openly LGBTQ elected and appointed officials at all levels of government.

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