Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Virtual town hall event on HIV/AIDS and the pandemic

Change 365 Town Hall: Pandemics, Politics, and Progress: A Discussion about HIV/AIDS Across Generations and Communities.

Please join the National LGBTQ Task Force on June 15 at 5:30 PM ET/2:30 PM PT for our virtual Creating Change 365 Town Hall: Pandemics, Politics, and Progress: A Discussion about HIV/AIDS Across Generations and Communities.

Register here.

Panel members and the moderator, National LGBTQ Task Force’s Communications Director, Cathy Renna, will examine media approaches in the HIV and LGBTQ+ advocacy spaces through an intersectional and intergenerational lens. Panelists will share their experiences and how their advocacy translates to action. 

The Task Force is partnering with AIDS United to learn more about how different communities continue to experience the HIV/AIDS epidemic. 


[Moderator] Cathy Renna (she/her), Communication Director, National LGBTQ Task Force 

Moisés Agosto-Rosario (he/him), Director of Treatment for NMAC, formerly known as the National Minority AIDS Council

Dominique Morgan (she/her), Executive Director of The Okra Project and Black and Pink National

Oriol R. Gutierrez Jr. (he/him), Editor-in-Chief of POZ magazine and

Kenyon Farrow (he/him), Managing Director of Advocacy & Organizing of PrEP4All

Charles Sanchez (he/him), Performer, Musical Director, Director, and writer for and HuffPost’s Queer Voices

Jade Lenore LeDuff (she/her), Public Educator, Advocate and Humanist, an Active Member, Volunteer, and Leader for Black Transwomen Inc.

Creating Change 365 is a new series of virtual events presented by the Task Force to build community, organize, and mobilize LGBTQ+ folks.

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