Monday, January 20, 2025

Vote for your travel favorites and keep the world rainbow flag ready

Voting is now open for the Best of Gay Cities 2020.

Vote for your favorite LGBTQ-friendly travel destinations as part of the Best of Gay Cities 2020! Each vote counts as one entry, and you can vote every day through December 18th.

There is no question: 20202 has been a very strange year for travel. But it’s also been a year for discovering what we love about where we live, where we grew up, where we have been, or where we long to go.

Cast your vote to weigh in on a number of travel categories, for example, what you think is the best road trip, the best outdoors, the best nightlife, the best Pride, and much more that matters to our adventurous and early-adopter queer travel community.

Vote here now until December 18.

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