Saturday, January 25, 2025

Washington Blade reporter Chris Johnson stands up to White House administration, receives support

On April 24, Washington Blade reporter Chris Johnson became the news when standing up to a bully administration. 

While handling his monthly duties in the White House Press Pool, he was asked to swap seats with CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins. This would move him up and Collins back in the briefing room.

Johnson refused to move as the seating assignments are determined not by the White House, but by the Correspondents’ Association. He was then threatened with the Secret Service. As Jim Acosta noted on CNN last night, Chris Johnson did the right thing. 

“Chris Johnson, thank goodness for him, refused to get up out of his seat. So, it took almost an act of civil disobedience to foil their plans,” said Acosta. 

His professionalism and ethics have been celebrated by the Blade Foundation as exactly what is needed these days. 

As the Blade Foundation continues its mission to support the next generation on LGBTQ reporters, Johnson is the role model we aspire to keep supporting. Blade Scholarship recipient, Phillip Van Slooten said last year that visibility matters and we could not agree more. If people didn’t know who Chris Johnson was before and who he represents, they will now. And, they’ll know that the LGBTQ perspective and voice matters and that it not only represents the community but supports its allies.

Blade Foundation

The Washington Blade and the Los Angeles Blade continue to serve as a reliable news source and have set up pages specifically reporting on the pandemic. Please visit these pages for daily updates and news. 

If you can, please consider any donation you can afford today to continue supporting the Blade Foundation’s reporters on the frontlines from DC to LA and abroad. Your support helps keep them going and pave the way for future journalists. 

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