Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Watch New Gay Rugby Documentary on Mark Bingham

The gay rugby world, and specifically Mark Bingham, is back in the limelight with a new documentary released by rugby union’s governing body, World Rugby.

The documentary focuses on Mark, who was killed on the United 93 flight on Sept 11th, 2001, through conversations with various people at the International Gay Rugby (Association and Board) and his mother, Alice Hogland.

Mark Bingham was one of the passengers on flight United 93 who courageously helped take down the plane before it reached its target in Washington DC. He was an active member of the San Francisco Fog gay rugby club and, since his death, has had a gay rugby tournament, The Bingham Cup, named after him.

The hour-long documentary ‘Legacy: The Mark Bingham Story’ also gives a glimpse into the 2018 Bingham Cup which was held in Amsterdam.

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