Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Watch the trailer for ‘Breaking Fast’

Mo, a practicing Muslim living in West Hollywood, is learning to navigate life post heartbreak.

Enter Kal, an All-American guy who surprises Mo by offering to break fast with him during the holy month of Ramadan.

Set against the twinkling lights of West Hollywood, Breaking Fast is a romantic comedy that follows Mo (Mohammed), a practicing Muslim still reeling from heartbreak. When an All-­American guy named Kal offers to join him in his nightly Iftars­­ — the traditional meal eaten by Muslims during Ramadan­­ — meal after meal, the two start to discover they have more in common than meets the eye.

This genuinely LGBTQ romantic comedy will be released on digital and video on demand on January 22.

Directed by Mike Mosallam, Starring Haaz Sleiman & Michael Cassidy. Watch the trailer to Breaking Fast:

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